Backup photos, music, documents and more for pennies a day.
Starting at $4.95 per month
Business grade data backup for PCs and servers.
$3.95 + $.50 per GB
per month
High performance online backup that's scalable and secure.
$6.95 + $.50 per GB
per month
Who's Got Your Back?
Millions of homes and businesses are putting their valuable documents, correspondence, digital photo libraries and music collections at risk. Most users who store these files on their PCs, laptops and servers aren't even aware that their data is vulnerable - or they think it won't happen to them. Natural disasters like fires and hurricanes as well as hard drive crashes and theft happen every day and can wipe out your critical data in seconds.

70% of companies that experience major data loss go out of business within a year.

We've Got Your Back(up).
Concentsus Online Backup is your data insurance policy. It's a reliable and affordable service for home, small business and enterprise users to store their data in a secure, remote location so that in the event of a disaster - it's still retrievable.